Monday, 24 November 2014

What could go wrong?


-The film set we chose may be privately owned.
-Equipment may be misplace on set after filming.
-Rented equipment may be lost which would result in fines.
-We may not meet our filming schedule and may return to school with a lack of footage.
-Actors or crew members may be absent at the last moment.
-unexpected weather could cause numerous problems on set.


-My instructions may not be clear enough to understand.
-Me and other students may not contribute ideas to the rest of the group.
-Often with things like this, it is easy to loose patience with members.
-May be difficult to contact crew/cast members via mobile phone at essential moments.
-Unannounced changes can cause issues for members.
-Basic human needs such as rest/hunger may not be met resulting in a sap of mood.
-A lack of communication with teaching staff.

Technical Issues

-Equipment may not be charged and could die on set.
-A lack of knowledge about equipment may result in poor footage.
-Equipment may be put in the right settings.
-the lighting or sound quality may not be to a sufficient standard.
-an unstable landscape or wind may cause the camera to shake .
-Health and safety issues may not be understood by the equipment user.
-Attempting to force appliances into the camera could result in damage.

Group work issues

-Individuals negligence effecting the entire group effort.
-mixed opinions may lead to division in the group.
-distribution of jobs may be biased against some.
-lack of listening skills.
-The group being unwilling to compromise.
-Lack of support in the group.
-Being insensitive /rude to members of the group.
-allowing personal problems to effect filming.

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