Sunday, 2 November 2014

Film opening research - The Shining

Film name - The Shining

Age certificate - 15

Production studio - Warner Bros

Distribution company - Warner Bros

Director - Stanley Kubrick

Box office takings - $622,337

The opening starts rather boringly with the production/distribution company shown in its ident format with no animation nor soundtrack,

It opens with a moving wide shot, moving across the lake showing the mountainous region, this emphasises the isolation of the setting, which is also the theme of the film, this is accompanied by a slow sounding brass instrument score, this works well with the journey through isolation, but is a juxtaposition as its a tense horror style score, in comparison to a seemingly peaceful remote setting.

The camera follows a car from a birds eye view, this is to emphasise the feeling of isolation to the audience, as no other cars or buildings are present in the scene, also the road is going through a thick forest, this can be seen as a horror film stereotype, the birds eye view also exaggerates the great length of the road, and distance from civilisation.

The shot returns to a moving wide shot as it presents more derelict mountainous scene, during this the opening credits showing the director, 2 of the main cast this is shown in a simple blue typography so it is easy to read as is moves through the shot, the title of the film is exaggerated in capitals, to emphasise their importance to the audience, afterwards more of the cast are presented.

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