Monday, 6 October 2014

Evaluation part 3

The main body of the film featured all the dialogue and plot, "shot reverse shot" was used simplicity (and carefully in order not to break the 180 degree rule) to show the 2 characters in conversation (if it could be considered as such).
unlike the into to the film this piece stuck to the basis of the story board, and used parts of the very simple script shown on the story board which was only really meant to give us an idea of what to say during filming.

 here's an example of our simplistic and somewhat scruffy story board and script, the text in the left depicts "Malachi POV View, low angle" the text to the right says "Alfie - "where are the drugs, i know you did it!"

although the actual scene is far more dramatic and lively in order to be more entertaining, it made it more exciting then a boring static chat, and emphasised the interrogation feel in a comedic way, although no sound effects were used during this scene, as we thought it would be wise no to obscure the dialogue.

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