Thursday, 29 January 2015

foley Art - Whistle Distortion

For our film we require a whistle sound to link to our narrative, I recorded a classic style whistle, uploaded the clip to Premier Pro and added a mixture of filters and edits to distort it and make it sound creepy so it appealed to our target audience.
The fear and tension it inflicts upon the audience suits the slasher genre.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

incidental music tester

We previously researched incidental sound tracks for our film, based upon those ideas we created a draft piece that we believed worked well with our genre, the slow tension building music would work well in creating tension and atmosphere, also the high pitched ringing naturally associates our brain with fear, this will keep our audience out their comfort zone and create tension.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Lighting Effects

Using the video above as a guide line i edited the lighting effects using premier pro, i added a red spot light and changed the shadow and exposure in order to create a scary and intense atmosphere that works well with our target audience and our Genre.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Changing Speed

For the editing process we needed to change the speed of certain scenes to create a suspenseful effect, so after a long time scouring Premier Pro i managed to change the speed duration, I edited past clips and pieced together a montage.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Sound Effect Compilation

For our film we needed sound effects to add to our film to add tension and atmosphere to certain scenes.
I scoured the internet for different ghostly sound effects that would work with our film, i did a selected 8 different sounds and made a compilation out of them.  

Monday, 5 January 2015

Tons audition for role of thug.

After a series of issues and dilemmas we decided that Malachi needed to be replaced, in his place we chose Ton Wentink an experienced actor who has starred in a numerous amount of performances and musicals, he even has a high level GCSE in drama, and lives very close to the set, he is the perfect candidate.

Filming starts!

On the 2nd of January we did our first bit of filming! we had to replace Malachi from the cast due to personal issues, we instead enlisted Ton Wentink, similar to the other cast members we made him shoot an audition (be posted soon!), he took up his role with great enthusiasm and energy, we filmed shots 9 - 14, as these were the only scenes that had just his character in it.
Despite the biting cold and muddy terrain we felt filming was a great success and we were very pleased with the footage we took.